The 4th Vietnam Footwear Summit was held in Ho Chi Minh City from March 20-21, 2019. The summit dove into a deep analysis of the footwear supply chain, Vietnam labor management and advanced manufacturing technology. Achieving its objective, the event provided attendees with a better understanding of the Vietnam footwear industry development status and helped discover business opportunities. The summit highlighted the benefits of investing in advanced technology through national favorable policies. These benefits include the promotion of industrial upgrading and enhancement of its sustainable development capability.
Summit Highlights
Footwear Industry in Vietnam – Opportunities, Challenges and Actions
Impacts of FTAs on Vietnam Footwear Export
An Analysis of US/China Trade War and its Impact on Vietnam Footwear Industry
EVFTA and Vietnam’s Tax & Customs Challenges
Panel Discussion: How Vietnam Footwear Enterprises Keep the Competitiveness under the Ever-Changing Global Trade Policy
20 Plus Years on the Path – Lean and Advance Manufacturing
Change Management Best Practice to Transform Production Planning to Improve Supply Reliability and Factory Utilization
Sustainability Initiatives during the Manufacture of Footwear Materials
Covestro TPU & PUR Sustainability Solutions
How to Improve the Speed to Market and Shorten Production Calendars through Digital Design and Development
Panel Discussion: Analysis for Vietnam Footwear Production Innovation and Future Trends under New Model (moderator: Andrey Golub, CEO @ELSE Corp, CTO @ATOMLab Milan)
Material Exchange and Its Impact on the Footwear Industry
Collaborative & Data Driven Models for Material Procurement
Global Footwear Manufacturing Evolution
Panel Discussion: Industry 4.0- Digital Transformation in Footwear Supply Chain
A vision for Footwear 4.0: From RoboShop to Factory on Demand (Keynote speaker: Andrey Golub, CEO @ELSE Corp, CTO @ATOMLab Milan)
Labour Obligations under the CP TPP and EVFTA, and their implications on Industrial Relations
Garment and Footwear Manufacturing in the Digital Age – The Need for Real-Time Visibility and Data Driven Decision-Making Modern Model of a Shoe Factory in 4.0 Arena

Andrey Golub, CTO of ATOMLab Milan, explained how the retail industry needs to adapt and create changes in response to new consumer trends. ELSE Corp utilizes a different approach which differs from the traditional product lifecycle of the retail industry. In the design and Prototype stages, personalization and customization by the consumer lead to the confirmation of sales before manufacturing even begins. Doing so, results in materials note being wasted and no remaining inventory being destroyed. The approach of Virtual Retail saves companies’ money and significantly decreases the amount of waste produced.
ATOM Sneaker 2019: From ShoeMaster CAD to Virtual 3D Sampling, powered by E.L.S.E. #LooksLikeReal
NEVER LET GO and Timberland by FOOTWEARISM at SIMAC 2019: 3D Product Configurator powered by E.L.S.E.
Photos from the event