Stage: BETA
3D - to - ML is a service to provide solutions to different problems and products by generating synthetic data and simulated environments.
the 3D2ML provides
2D and 3D annotated data for object detection, classification and segmentation
Simulated environments for reinforcement learning environments for robotic solutions.
3D synthetic data for training of AI solutions
ELSE corp uses 3D2ML micro service for its own internal projects but the service is also available to any company which would need 3D&2D Synthetic Data, generated from 3D CAD, to train their ML models.
Synthetic data made easy

To enable companies to use AI which otherwise would require highly skilled experts and big data..
Be able to compete with high tech companies
Provide their own AI solutions and VIP services for their customers
Have better, easier to use and more accurate AI solutions
Be more independent and less costly development

3d-to-ml benefits

Cost effective solution

Preserves the privacy of the company

Relief of expert's requirements

Cloud / Local solution

Friendly solution for non-technical people

Ready for industry 4.0
The phases of product operation differ depending on the customer needs. The phases can be divided in:

Complete intelligent solution as product

Data as product
phases for complete intelligent solution


Generation of data and annotation


Machine learning

Definition of product variation

phases for DATA

Generation of data and annotation
Design - CAD
Machine Learning
Deployment (Cloud / Local / EDGE)
Assets for own solution
Full online application
Full offline application
Software solution
Hardware solution