We presented the full stack of the client side technology (Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Mobile, Web and Windows Applications) for our RoboShoe framework at Campus Party Italia. The event is the largest in the world dedicated to technology, where young talents, institutions, companies, universities and communities all work together to explore world changing ideas surrounding innovation, creativity, coding, science, technology, entrepreneurship and entertainment.
Visitors got to explore advances in our project since February (SIMAC) and experienced first-hand, our cross-platform HTML and Unity based framework on various devices for different channels: In store 3D, Home 3D, Personal 3D, Factory 4.0.
With 1000s of primarily 18 to 28-year-olds present, we received lots of curiosity; numerous questions - asked and answered; and in general a high level of interest. The event was a success, providing us with interesting insights and useful feedback.
It was a party we were fortunate to have been invited to (thanks Polihub!) and one that we were happy to attend.

WHAT we've shown_videos
The Vision
Hololens for RoboShoe
Customer Journey
else.shoes Demo