Altroconsumo is projected in the future with the fifth edition of its Festival, which was held this year at the Unicredit Pavilion in Milan on 4 and 5 November 2017. The title of the event "The Revolution of Things". Together we tried to understand how digital services will develop in the future.
ELSE Corp participated at the Festival with its stand introducing visitors to "THE STORE OF THE FUTURE BY ELSE & PARTNERS"
Sky TG24: Robot e futuro a Milano il festival di Altroconsumo, ELSE Corp- Sabato 4 Novembre
ROUND TABLE "L’e-commerce che non ti aspetti"
Andrey Golub, ELSE Corp's CEO & Co-founder, also participated in the round table session "L’e-commerce che non ti aspetti". The digitization of purchases reinvents itself by creating new experiences for consumers. The e-commerce world not as you expect it, able to facilitate customized and personalized shopping experiences.
The ability to simultaneously synchronize both the physical and online channels to give the consumer the ability to meet every need, as well as being a source of success for multinationals and emerging realities.
photos from the ROUND TABLE

Shown at the event
FACESHOES - Shoe Your Selfie, powered by E.L.S.E.
photos from the event

Ab speaking about ELSE Corndrey Golub